Food Kate Humphrey Food Kate Humphrey

Fancy Cheese

Every now and then we like to treat ourselves to a delicious fancy cheeses board. Because come on - who doesn’t love fancy cheese?! Here are the ones we picked and our review!

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Kate Humphrey Kate Humphrey

Bloody Mary Television

Every day at 5 o’clock sharpish, Rick and I enjoy a Bloody Mary. It’s a ritual we have come to love and look forward to. Over the years, we have perfected our recipe through trial and error, lots of research and, you guessed it - lots of drinking! Here is our favorite recipe.

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Food Kate Humphrey Food Kate Humphrey

Cheesy Winter Squash Gratin Recipe

This Cheesy Winter Squash Gratin recipe from Bon Appétit was a hit! Oh my the flavors were delightful. I plan on experimenting with recipes that include different kinds of winter squash!

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Kate's News Kate Humphrey Kate's News Kate Humphrey

Remembering Luna

There is no denying the bond that you can have with a pet. Despite knowing that you are going to outlive them, you get them anyway and you love them so much, and they love you a thousand times more. And then you have to say goodbye, and it seems terribly unfair, but you’d never give that time back for the world.

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Home Decor Kate Humphrey Home Decor Kate Humphrey

The Bench

This bench might seem plain, ordinary, a no big deal kind of a bench. Let me tell ya, this bench has been around the block, so to speak. At least in my two different homes.

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Beauty Counter Kate Humphrey Beauty Counter Kate Humphrey

Christmas Concierge

How would you like to have a Christmas Concierge for your wife or girlfriend? If figuring out what special gift you can give your your loved one for Christmas this year seems a bit daunting, I’ve got Beautycounter self care gifts that will knock her socks off!

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Kate's News Kate Humphrey Kate's News Kate Humphrey

The Tale of Luna

It has been around six weeks since we found out Luna had cancer and we weren’t very optimistic, to say the least. A fairly new drug, specifically for dogs, turned our frown upside down.

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Tips Kate Humphrey Tips Kate Humphrey

Tip Tuesday | #1

Which is the best day to expect good attendance at a meeting? When is the best time to turn off the TV for kids? And more hacks to improve your daily life.

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Health Kate Humphrey Health Kate Humphrey


I have been reflecting on this subject for some time now. Growing up in the sixties, it seemed we conducted our lives in a more ritualistic manor.

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