Herb Gardens & How they can Add Much More than just Spice to Your Life.

Walking out the back door and cutting a bit of Basil, Rosemary, Parlsey, or Dill for your dinner can take it from ordinary to extraordinary.  It doens’t have to be complicated and you can grow them in pots.

I’m hoping to have a massive herb garden this year. I’ve never been much of a planner so I really need to do my homework first. What herbs grow best in full sun, shade, or a combination of both?

This is a photo of how herbs can be benefial to keep flies, mosquitoes, and even spiders away.

Let’s get those garden gloves out and start planting! What are we waiting for?

overflowing bowl of fresh basil
garden tips and tricks for natural ways to use other insects to keep your herb gardens healthy
bundles of fresh herbs laid out on a board and tied up to be dried

Family Time… Girls Only.


The Tale of Luna